Customer service can make or break a relationship. I believe that we have to give the same level of care and attention when dealing with customers that we would hope to receive. This seems straightforward enough, but many of us fall into common foils of customer care.

Perhaps the first and most prevalent misstep is not taking responsibility for the customer interaction. Many times people view themselves as just the “middle person” and not ultimately accountable for the customer experience. Have you ever run across someone in retail who was obviously unaffected about an issue you raised? They see their job is doing “x,” and “y” is someone else’s responsibility. Oftentimes the customer is in limbo, not thinking that they or their concerns matter.

But let’s extrapolate to the office . . . Think about an inquiry (phone call, email, etc.) that might have inadvertently come to you. Some common courses of action:

  • Ignore it, reasoning that the individual will eventually realize their error and reach out to someone else.
  • Give it your best guess and route them to someone else, wishing them luck.
  • Say that someone will get back to them shortly, and later in the day when your schedule clears, identify the right person and pass along the information.
  • Take ownership of their question, making sure that their inquiry is answered sufficiently and expediently.
happy customer service week

I assert that only this last approach is acceptable. We are all representatives of what we sell and responsible our overall customer experience. 

The importance of good service is magnified when fostering relationships with a well-defined customer base. At Aiben group we have many stakeholders—our subscriber, the partners community, and the public at large. But our most significant customers is YOU. These relationships must be of the highest quality, and all Aiben staff have a role to play in cultivating good relations. 

Aiben group vary widely in both size and interests, which poses some unique and fascinating challenges for Aiben group as an Organization. Sometimes I find it useful to think of Aiben as essentially a business. All businesses are tasked with providing solutions for identified needs, and the most successful businesses excel at being responsive to the changing needs of their customers. The Aiben group Board of Directors, Member of staff Team have been examining our collection of benefits and whether they sufficiently address each Customer specialized needs, in order to better serve their unique communities. We are directing our attention toward this effort right now, with the full knowledge that it will be an ongoing process. As with any business, we are nimble to operate in a dynamic environment. 

Yet the principles of customer service are static—attentiveness, listening, patience, acting on feedback—regardless of a business’s current offerings or potential future offerings. No business survives for long without excellent and highly responsive customer service. All Aiben staff interact with stakeholders, as well as partner Member. We must all endeavour to develop better understanding of our customer reach to communicate frequently and clearly, to be exceptionally responsive, and to recognize our individual roles in fostering these relationships. 

One good customer service experience can change the entire perception a customer holds toward an organization. Let’s continue to work at this for our valued customers. Always try to exceed expectations.

As we celebrate National Customer Service Week, we would like you to know how thankful we are to be associated with you. Thank you for placing your trust in us and giving us a chance to provide you with our services.

You are an essential part of our story and you inspire us to do more!!

We appreciate your confidence in our ability, and in the spirit of Customer Service Week, we would like to request for your honest feedback. Please click on this link to let us know how you feel about our services.


You can always count on us for your property and investment needs!!

Aiben celebrate customer service week

by Dorca Bija/ Customer Relation Officer / Aiben Properties


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